These instructions are for the 14 Original Participating Campuses.
Do not apply directly to the Strauss Foundation. Each pre-selected school has its own deadline for applications in January or February. The Selection Committee from your campus will submit up to three applications in early March; awards are announced by mid- April. $13,000 of the funds will be available May 1st.
The final $2,000 will be given at the April Presentations.
Here is the pdf of the Bulletin of Information:
Am I Eligible?
Are you a full-time undergraduate student at one of the following:
Loyola Marymount University
Occidental College
Pomona College
Scripps College
Stanford University
UC Berkeley
UC Davis
UC Irvine
UC Merced
UC Riverside
UC San Diego
UC Santa Barbara
UC Santa Cruz
Have you completed at least one year of college and will not graduate before June 2025 ?
Have a GPA in the upper 1/3 of your class?
Have the desire to “make a difference” in local, regional, national or international communities?
Application Process
Check Internal Deadline (January or February) and contact Campus Representative
Complete Application Summary and submit, along with:​​​
One-page Resume - With current and past public service
One-page Personal Essay
A Project Proposal - Limited to 4 pages, including Budget and Timeline, using, at least 1.2 spacing.
2 Recommendations - If working with a partner organization, also submit their Letter of Support .
Transcript - A photocopy is okay.
Selection Criteria
Demonstrated interest in public service.
Outstanding leadership potential.
Submitted an innovative public service project proposal.
Responsibilities of Scholars
Maintain satisfactory academic performance (upper 1/3 class).
Carry out the public service project, emailing short,
bi-monthly updates, and a 2-page final assessment in April.
Attend a mandatory meeting of all Strauss Award recipients at UC Irvine in April and make a short presentation.
Serve as a Strauss Ambassador at your school, reaching out to encourage others to apply.